Guest Lecture of Dr. Avinash Pawar

National Heroes Day Event Showcases Collaboration between Dr. Avinash Pawar and Mia Aksara in Seminar & Workshop 'Operational Management Transformation in the Era 5.0' 

Garut, Indonesia - November 10, 2023 - On the auspicious occasion of National Heroes Day, a remarkable event took place at STIE Yasa Anggana Campus 1, located at JL. Otista No. 278, Garut, Indonesia. The event featured a collaboration between renowned experts Dr. Avinash Pawar and Mia Aksara in a seminar and workshop titled 'Operational Management Transformation in the Era 5.0.'

Dr. Avinash Pawar, an Associate Professor at D. Y. Patil Institute of Management Studies in Pune, India, delivered a captivating presentation on the topic of "Operations Management and Manufacturing Excellence in India." Dr. Pawar's extensive knowledge and experience in the field of operational management provided valuable insights to the audience.

Mia Kusmiati, SE., MM., CT., MOS., MCE (known as Mia Aksara), a Permanent Lecturer at STIE Yasa Anggana Garut, Indonesia, contributed to the event by presenting on the subject of "Practical Application of Managing Citations and References Using Mendeley and MS Word for Operational Management Research." Her expertise in research and academic writing was instrumental in guiding attendees on effective citation management.

The event's organizing committee, consisting of 20 students from STIE Yasa Anggana, played a crucial role in managing the event. They were in the process of learning event management as part of the implementation of their Operational Management course. Their involvement in the preparation and execution of the event was a valuable practical experience in developing operational management skills.

Despite encountering some challenges just before the event, such as sudden issues with the projector, the committee swiftly addressed these problems, even though it required considerable effort. This demonstrated their dedication and resilience in facing challenges.

The event was made possible through the generous sponsorship of CV. Aksara Global Akademia, a reputable publishing institution in Indonesia. Their support was instrumental in facilitating the event and ensuring its success.

As the supervising lecturer, Mia Aksara provided high praise for the students' hard work in organizing this event as their first-hand experience in event management. Mia Aksara also expressed deep appreciation to Dr. Avinash Pawar and Dr. Tita Rachtawati, SE., MM., for their support of the event.

The event was attended by approximately 100 enthusiastic students from both STIE Yasa Anggana and other institutions, eager to enhance their knowledge in operational management. The seminar and workshop were officially inaugurated by Dr. Tita Rachtawati Santanu, SE., MM., the Chairperson of STIE Yasa Anggana Garut, who highlighted the significance of such collaborative knowledge-sharing initiatives.

The seminar and workshop served as a platform for students to gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of operational management, with a focus on its transformation in the era of Industry 5.0. The collaboration between Dr. Avinash Pawar and Mia Aksara brought together international and local perspectives, enriching the learning experience for all participants.

The event not only celebrated National Heroes Day but also underscored the importance of continuous learning and collaboration in the field of operational management. It provided a unique opportunity for students to interact with experts in the industry and academia, fostering a spirit of innovation and excellence.

As National Heroes Day honors the contributions of individuals who have made significant contributions to their nation, this event exemplified the spirit of knowledge-sharing and dedication to excellence, which are essential qualities of modern-day heroes in the field of operational management.(MA)