HRM, HRIS & HR-ANALYTICS : Foundation for Technological Integration in Human 


Foundation for Technological Integration in Human Resources

Authors: Dr. Avinash Pawar - Dr. Ashutosh Misal - Dr. Budi Pramono - Dr. F. Sukma Wahyudin

Editor: Mia Aksara

ISBN: 978-623-8049-41-7

Size Book: 15.5 x 23 cm, xii + 208 pg

Cover & Layout: Aksara Publications


Publisher: CV. Aksara Global Akademia


IKAPI member No: 418/JBA/2021

Firts printing, @April 2023

IDR: 199K


HRM, HRIS & HR-Analytics: Foundation for Technological Integration in Human Resources" is a book that discusses the integration of technology in human resource management (HRM). This book was written by authors who are experts in the field of human resource management for decades.

The book provides an understanding of how technology can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HRM. It covers topics such as an introduction to HRM, introduction to HRIS, HR analytics, performance management, employee development management, and compensation and benefits management.

The book is highly beneficial for HRM practitioners, HR managers, and students who want to deepen their understanding of technology in HRM. It provides real-world examples and case studies to help readers understand the concepts practically.

In addition, the book also discusses the challenges and issues faced in integrating technology in HRM. It provides solutions and recommendations to overcome these issues.

Overall, "HRM, HRIS & HR-Analytics: Foundation for Technological Integration in Human Resources" is a very useful resource for HRM professionals and students who want to deepen their understanding of technology in HRM. The book helps open readers' minds to how technology can be used to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of HRM in the digital era.


Dr. Avinash Pawar is a faculty of Organisational Management with around 15 years of teaching and research experience. He is a multifaceted academician and researcher in management with wide academic and research experience across multiple disciplines of management such as HR, Marketing, Technology, Operations and Supply Chain Management. He is an enthusiastic academician with an interdisciplinary approach towards management teaching, learning and research. He has presented and published research papers in various prestigious international conferences and journals. He also serves on the reviewer board of esteemed journals in business management.

Dr. Ashutosh Misal is a versatile, seasoned and passionate academician, researcher and trainer with more than two decades of experience. He has completed PhD in Human Resource Management from the University of Pune, an MBA from the University of Pune with First Class, and BE In Civil from the Government College of Engineering, Pune, under the University of Pune. He is associated with many prestigious institutions in management education. He has published many articles in magazines, newspapers, books and research journals. 

Mayjen TNI Dr. Budi Pramono, S.I.P., M.M., (GSC)., CIQaR., CIQnR., MOS., MCE., CIMMR. was born in the city of Sidoarjo in 1967. He earned a Master of Art, in security and strategy studies from Hull University in the United Kingdom (1998) and a Master of Management from the University of National Development Veterans in Jakarta (2005). He achieved a doctorate in Political Science with an outstanding predicate when he held the rank of colonel in the military. After graduating from the Magelang Military Academy (1988), he served in the army strategic command (KOSTRAD) for ten years before entering the field of intelligence (BAIS).

The author has extensive experience attending various Military Education courses, including Regimental Officer Advanced Course (SUSLAPA - II) in Australia (1996), National Security Intelligence Training Course in Taiwan (1999), Command and General Staff College, School of General Staff and Command in Manila (2001), where he received the best graduate award (Honor Graduate), the United Nations logistics Course at Port Dickson (2002), Austfamil Course at Lavertoon Australia (2003), and Emergency Management Australia Course (2004).

Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Republic of Indonesia Defense University, where he dedicates his spare time to implement the principles of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education."

Dr. dr. F. Sukma Wahyudin, Sp.S., M.Kes., CIQnR. is an academic at the Republic of Indonesian of Defense University. He completed his Doctorate in Human Resource Management at the State University of Jakarta and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Diponegoro University in 1987. In 1992, he joined the Indonesian Air Force as a lieutenant through the ABRI scholarship program and became a doctor in 1994. He began his career in the Air Force by serving in the 464th Paskhas Squadron at Abdurrahman Saleh Malang Air Base from 1992 to 1996, and then as a doctor in the 7th Air Squadron at Suryadarma Kalijati Subang Air Base from 1998 to 2004. After serving as a squadron doctor, he briefly served as the Acting Chief of the Hasanuddin Air Base Hospital in Makassar for six months from September 2001. He then pursued a neurology specialty at Hasanuddin University from 2004 to 2008, while also obtaining a master's degree in Biomedical Sciences from the same university. After completing his specialization at UNHAS, he was entrusted with the position of Head of the Neurology Clinic at Lakespra Dr. Saryanto and RSAU Dr. Esnawan Antariksa in Jakarta, and was later promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Expert Group for Medical Services at RSPAU Dr. Hardjolukito. Over time, he was promoted to the rank of Air Marshal First Class by the Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces and appointed as the Head of the Aviation and Space Health Institution in Jakarta from 2019 to 2021. He then served as the Presidential Physician from 2014 to 2019 and is currently serving as a member of the Presidential Medical Team. In addition to his duties, he also serves in the Indonesian Air Force headquarters and is an active lecturer at the Military Medical Faculty of the Republic of Indonesian of Defense University.