Author: Dr. Priyanto, S.IP., M.Si (Han)

ISBN buku fisik: 978-623-8049-12-7

ISBN buku digital: 978-623-8049-24-0 (PDF) 

Size of Book: 15.5 x 23 cm, xiv + 286 pg

Cover & Layout: Mia Aksara



CV. Aksara Global Akademia


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IKAPI member No: 418/JBA/2021

Firts printing, December 2022 

eBOOK @ Februari 2023

Price: IDR 199.000,-


Defense organizations today need strong leadership and fast change. Most companies have poor leadership. Everyone wants leaders. The leadership issue affects government, schools, non-profits organization, the defense organization, etc.

Leadership style encompasses leaders' attitudes for their followers. Worldview, talents, and character necessitate this. Leadership approaches must be controlled. Negative leaders are haughty and inferior.

They thought their authority would deter others from working. An organization-wide leader. Effective leadership in fostering employee and subordinate engagement has become more important due to advancements in knowledge and independence.

This book will teach you about action and inspire you to overcome challenges. How would an organization's defender lead? way he utilized power. Each method has pros and cons. Leaders may display all three kinds, but one usually dominates. Autocratic, participative, and detached leadership styles exist. Leadership improves teamwork through building trust. 

About Author

Major General Dr. Priyanto, S.IP., M.Si (Han), born in Magelang on March 30, 1968. Completed elementary school in 1974 graduated in 1980, junior high school in 1980 graduated in 1983. high school in 1984 graduated in 1986. Graduated from the Magelang Military Academy in 1989. Obtained a Bachelor's degree (S1) in Government Science at the Open University in 2000. Then in 2014 he continued his Masters program (S-2) in the Universal War Strategy Study Program, Faculty of Defense Strategy, University of Defense and completed his studies in 2016. Continuing Doctoral education (S-3) in the Doctoral Program at the Defense University with a concentration in Defense Science in 2018. Began his career as the first TNI officer in 1989, and had served as Head of Personnel Section for the General Bureau of the Defense University, Secretary of the Defense University LPPPM, Director of Defense Resources, Directorate General of Potential Defense Ministry of Defence, Head of General Bureau of Defense University of the Republic of Indonesia and currently developing as Dean of Defense Strategy Faculty of Defense University RI. He attended various military trainings, namely: Seskoad in 2002, Susdanyon, Susdandenintel, Susdandim, Susintelstrat, and NSC Australia. Experience in overseas assignments such as China, United States, India, Japan, Sweden, Myanmar. He is married and has 3 children. Apart from being the Dean of the Defense Strategy Faculty of the Republic of Indonesia Defense University, he is also active in teaching, conducting research and community service which are his main duties as a lecturer. Has experience as a Military Teacher at the Arhanud Education Center in 1999, and a Permanent Lecturer at the Indonesian Defense University starting in 2018. Currently he is actively teaching Territorial Defense Strategy (SPT) courses at the Universal Warfare Strategy Study Program (SPS) Faculty of Defense Strategy, and Defense Management courses in Defense Management Study Program, Faculty of Defense Management, Republic of Indonesia Defense University. Active as a keynote speaker in various seminars at home and abroad, focus group discussions (FGD) as well as resource persons in various learning and training programs. Has appeared as head of the delegation in Track II Network of ASEAN Defense and Security Institutions (NADI) in 2022.